you are a god
nothing of this godly level of genius has been seen since the times of ren and stimpy. i wish i had more to say but... its just too much for words. i think i love you.
you are a god
nothing of this godly level of genius has been seen since the times of ren and stimpy. i wish i had more to say but... its just too much for words. i think i love you.
wow, beautiful, incredible
this is epic, stunning, and i agree with all the flowing praise that im sure youve heard up to this point.
for something you probly havent heard, in case you hadnt yet realized, id like to congratulate you on achieving the single BEST VOTED flash in the history of newgrounds. thats right, better than the brackenwood series, which im sure says something to you, whether or not you consider yourself better or worse than him. in my opinion, he is still, as you said, something for you to work toward, but you are so incredibly close, and so amazingly skilled, that the small gap between his work and yours, may very easily be breached with your next flash.
this, i love
started off as an overused idea, put into a fairly smoothly done animation. then with the introduction of a girl, it became clear that is was just a representation of this guy's life, in all its (almost) monotony. and while the first three quarters or so i really liked just in its entertaining simplicity, the part that really cracked me up was when the black haired girl robbed him a SECOND fuckin time. that, my friend, was just so amazingly brilliant. seriously cracked me up. and its so damn true, because if i guy screws a girl, and she robs him, then comes back about a week later and acts all sorry, hes not gonna hold a grudge. hes just gonna screw her again. genius. simple, yet creative, repetitive, but in a "whats gonna happen next?" sort of way. and the ending, saw it a mile away, but totally appropriate. loved it. oh, and when the baby is introduced and it goes really fast (not the very end where its really, really fast, but a little earlier), i like how for a few seconds it sounds kinda catchy, like a song or something.
anyway, overall, love it, genius, you rock, please dedicate your life to making flash, because you fuckin rock at it.
haha motherfuckingbrilliant!
wow man, that was great. hilarious, all the way through. cant say your a great artist, or a great animator, but god DAMN your a good script writer. if you teamed up with a skilled animator (or just put more effort into your animations), and kept writing great scripts, youd be hitting the front page with every entry. also saw your other two flashes, and i thought "story of my life" was pretty great, although not as good as this one. the murdering apples one, not so great. but still, youve got quite a skill, keep it up. and id love to see more of flame.
Thanks dude, from all the reviews this is the one I have liked the most by far of my 3 movies... I´m considering teaming with a good animator...
Flames is a self portrait of me (LOL) and he WILL have more adventures soon
my Apple Murdering flash is not so great (I admit it) but it was made just to get rid of the god damn apples!! (that you should already know I hate)
Anyway... Thanks sooo much for your review. =D
Thank you soooo much (I thank you as much as I hate apples).
Flames says: Hi!
sort of late, but heres my two cents on the series
i realize im leaving this review long after this episode was released, but this is the first time ive seen the series through. and so i dont have to leave an individual reveiw for each episode, ill critique the entire series in this review.
overall, must say, this is a brilliant concept. what i get out of it is the certain sensibility brought about every element in it, that sort of jagged rusty feel. obviously this comes from salad fingers' love for rusty things, but this feeling carries through also in the sounds whenever he is enjoying something rusty. also, the way the text shakes jaggedly seems to go along with the feeling of the series. im someone who doesnt understand the people who, back at the first two episodes were saying they thought the series was funny. to me, this series is delightfully creepy and weird in the most involving way. i just love it. as for the episodes that i thougth were best: i thought the first was the absolute best, as it completely captured the feeling of the rusty spoons against his strange jagged fingers. the second episode actually pushed me over the edge. in fact, when i first tried to watch salad fingers over a year and a half ago, i loved the first, then got to the second and just couldnt finish it. its just so extremely creepy. for me it goes over the edge when he not only strokes the sharp hook, but spears his finger on it. i jsut have issues with needles and sharp objects, especially with fingers. so i guess thats just me, but ive gotta say you did a great job making it creepy as all hell. especially when he cooks the poor guy. moving on, i thought the third and fourth were the week points of the series. they somewhat lost that great sensibility that keeps the series so vivid. and the man without arms kind of broke the atmosphere, where all noises thus far had been either salad fingers' smoothly scraping voice, his fingers scratchingly rubbing something rusty, or a random screech. the armless man's tribal-ish yelling was just too blunt, and it didnt work at all. although that episode had a high point when salad fingers dragged the man into his house. i thought that was a nice touch. the fourth episode alright, and the boy was rather interesting, but some parts of the idea of a little boy in love with salad fingers had tons of potential where you coudl ahve made the boy's proposal very creepy, like maybe in an ode to salad fingers he couldve drawn a rusty knife across his hand. there was just so much to do with that, and it didnt happen the way i felt it shouldve. but it was still nice to see some real plot, so i liked it all the same. episode 5, loved the picnic, and the girl. and that moment where salad fingers hears her voice, and is just completely shocked by another person's voice, rather than him speaking for them, is great. then in episode 6, its all done rather nicely. especially when he somehow walks in on himself, and gets in an odd paradoxical situation, its just amazing. and episode 7, last but not least. the entire concept of that episode was so wonderfully executed. his dead little brother, back from the great war. and it almost seems to give us some background on salad fingers' character. the dinner scene was also very nice, and my two favorite drawings in that episode must be the brother, of course, who is so detailed and such a perfect corpse, and the microphone at the end. i just noticed when the camera view was looking out from the stage, that the microphone was drawn so beautifully, and it was just a pleasure to look at. and the last part of that episode was rather random and strange, but all the better because of it. so basically, the whole series started extremely strong, went down briefly, but by the end was great again. they were all a delight to watch, and i truly wish that at some point you decide to come back to (or maybe your currently working on) the next episode. hope that you get something out of this review, and that the series continues to be one of the best on NG. hope this wasnt too long to read, but now im up to my letter limit. im done, so bye!
hm pretty nice
rather nicely done. its like the new tom and jerry, though probly for a somewhat more mature audience. i liked that they were brief, but funny. although i have to say i thought the last one was a little bit tasteless. you can really keep the humor you had going with the first two without resorting to using vomit as a prop. otherwise, great job, hope to see more. maybe try making a full episode thats just a series of such skits, perhaps with an overall plot. the drawings were very cleanly done, and the animation was nice and simple, yet satisfying. and the rosie o'donnell poster was hilarious, of course. keep it up, and try to move past the third one humor-wise. oh, and put in more sound. it was too quiet for a comedy sketch.
Age 34, Male
Joined on 5/6/07